The New Arrival
I’ve been away from this for about a year. Life took over – wedding, marriage, a surprisingly quick pregnancy, a move to another town. I missed this. I missed crafting my stories about the little things and not-so-little things. Can you indulge me? I have been away for ages you know…
As you may remember, we had a June wedding which was quickly followed by the July pregnancy test. After all my blustering about waiting before having kids and wanting to get to know each other, it was confirmed. I was preggers or as ppl fondly referred to as ‘bunting pelamin’. I hated that term – bunting sounded so… animalistic. K was overjoyed, I was somewhat ambivalent. Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter with all my life but at that point in time, I’m honest enough to admit that I wasn’t exactly sold on the idea of motherhood. But it’s funny how I started to change as fast as my body did.. Especially after that first tiny flutter which was like a knock on the head.. As my baby grew, so did my attachment to her..
Right around Chinese New Year during a routine scheduled appointment, my doctor dropped the bomb. She was detaining me due to high blood pressure, severely swollen feet and protein in my urine sample. The trifecta which indicated a risk of pre-eclampsia. This could fatally affect our baby if not checked so I was to spend a few days in hospital while they monitored me. I was finally released with medication and orders to put my feet up and relax.
After another week of medical leave, I toddled along for another appointment. Bad news – even with medication, my blood pressure was still stubbornly high. Our only option was to get my baby out before something serious happens. They scheduled me for surgery the next morning as I was 4 weeks away from my due date and it was unlikely I would be able to deliver normally. I was told the cervix would not be ready so early during first pregnancies. I remember crying and freaking out that my baby was too small, she’s not ready to face the world yet. They kept close watch on me that night and had me fasting and signing forms. K was not allowed to stay (2-bedded room and all that) so I spent the night alone thinking about the next day, worrying if my baby was gonna be okay.
The doctor popped in bright and early the next morning for an exam. To everyone’s surprise, I had already dilated 2cm. So it was decided that a normal delivery would be attempted first before anybody comes near me with a scalpel. Things moved fast, I remember being in the lift going up to the delivery room with K holding my hand and my mum behind me. I remember my mum hugging me and crying in front of the nurses’ station, telling me to be strong and that every woman goes through this. I remember the contractions starting just 5 minutes after they hooked me up to the IV at 10am.
I was in labour for almost 8 hours. I had vowed to tough it out as much as possible, refusing painkillers every time the nurses reminded me they were available. My resolve lasted 5 hours before I caved and took the injection. My pain threshold is extremely low so even with the drug, I was still crying and whimpering. I was so close to asking for an epidural when the lovely, patient nurse announced that I was almost there. Everyone moved in a blur after that, dashing around preparing for the new arrival.
The midwife at my antenatal class had already told us that the doctor would be wearing protective gear but it was still a surprise when my doctor walked in wearing a plastic apron and yellow PCK boots. Macam nak pegi bercucuk tanam…
The delivery was thankfully short, probably cos of my baby’s small size. K was at my side the entire time, except for when the doc cheerfully asked “Daddy, would you like to see your baby’s head?” K popped behind the doc, looked a bit green for a few seconds before blurting out “Banyaknya rambut dia..” He even cut the umbilical cord, which he proudly tells people to this day. That and the fact that he ‘sambut’ our baby wearing bermudas and his Arsenal jersey..
I don’t remember if I cried when I cuddled our daughter in the delivery room. I do remember feeling relieved and amazed that she was finally here and that I actually gave birth to this tiny lil girl. I also remember my father somehow sneaking past the nurses to poke his head at the door of the delivery room, wave and say hello while I was waiting to be moved to my room. That was before the nurses came along and told him the delivery room was for husbands only. Not even my mum made it in..
After all that, our daughter is catching up. She’s not a roly-poly baby, rather tall and lean if you ask me.. But she’s healthy, happy and already has a distinct personality.. So I am pleased to acquaint you with Wan Alya Nisrin.. She’s 6 months old now, loves to lap-surf and counts Octy the Octopus, Mr. Bug and her toes as her bestest friends…

By the way, that is unmanageable hair.. No matter how carefully we brush in into place, it just seems to have a life of its own..
hi... just blog hopping... comelnya ur baby gurl
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