Week 14 : Raya Aftermath
I know this is very much overdue but how was your Raya? We had a fun (albeit tiring) time, shuttling between Seremban, Subang, Melaka and Kelantan in those first 7 days. Alya raya sakan, with 3 pairs of baju kurung and adoring fans everywhere she went. She changed a lot over Raya I think, maybe cos she loves going jalan-jalan and this Raya was all about travelling. She seems friendlier, murah senyuman (before, jual mahal giler), more hyper and definitely more manja than ever. After mastering the art of crawling a few weeks ago, she has now graduated to climbing up almost everything (sofas, coffee tables, people).
We’ve discovered her extreme curiosity of people talking on the phone. If she spies you chatting away on the phone, even if you’re way across the room, she’ll crawl over super-quick, proceed to panjat you in an attempt to grab the phone, squealing away the whole time. The kiasu mummy in me likes to think that she wants to sharpen her communication skills but in all probability, I got me a kaypohchi daughter who just likes to know what people are doing.. Really lah, this kenit is very sebok-sebok. She intently watches people do work, tak kisah la tukang sapu sampah kat R&R or just her mummy washing dishes in the kitchen. She will even crane her neck and peer around whoever’s in the way just so she can get a better look.

I had my monthly checkup last Saturday, and of course the monthly anxiety. Moms will know what I’m talking about – that flood of questions running thru your mind just before you step on the scales at the doctor’s office. “How much have I gained? Will I get scolded? Why oh why did I have that second helping at dinner last night?” This is usually followed by pleading with the scale’s needle or digital display. “Please stop increasing, please stop increasing..!”
I heaved a sigh of relief – a half kilo reduction from my last appointment. And this was after Raya season too, what with all the rendang, lemang and who-remembers-what-else I stuffed my face with.. Guess all that vomiting was a lot more serious than I thought.. Have to really watch out now – especially since I got ‘hit with a laser’ last Saturday.
Prepare the lasers…
Doc S was doing the ultrasound, commenting that baby was growing fine, that the weight loss was mummy’s, and I should be able to feel baby moving by next month.
Target sighted and acquired…
While moving the paddle around my tummy below my belly button, she said our baby was just around there.
“Yang ni bukan baby ye, ni lemak..” Doc S said with a smile while prodding the admittedly flabulous area above my belly button.
It’s a hit! Woman down..!
What else could I do besides smile meekly and say “Ya, tau…”
was wondering when u'd update! oh, i can so relate to stepping on those scales..that was the part of the check-ups i always dreaded :-(
nice to hear tales of alya's growing up..do tell us more! with more piccies too? ;-)
p/s i got me one busybody lil' girl too...suka sebok2 ok..tgh minum susu dgn lahapnye pon boleh stop and stare at her mommy talking on the phone..it's sooo amusing! :-D
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