The battle has begun
In an otherwise quiet part of Subang....
Mummy : Adan, stop it! Mummy dah lipat baju tu, jangan tarik-tarik!
Aidan : Andan nak patai..! (pelat complete with muncung & squinty eyes to show displeasure)
Mummy : No, tu baju abah. Too big for you.
Aidan : *sticks his tongue out* ???!!!!!!????!!!
Mummy : *smacks Aidan's bottom a bit*
Aidan Umar : *crocodile tears to older sister who's sitting down cradling her smelly rabbit like a newborn baby* Yaya, mummy buat!!
Alya : Dah dah dah, takmo nangis.. *conspirational whisper* Nanti kita babab mummy ye..
Aidan : *earnest nodding*
Mummy : *cannot believe what she hears* Kakak, what did you say just now to Adik..?
Alya : Takde apa la mummy *damn sweet smile*
It has begun...

Hunting tiny ketam on the beach..
My lil boy has turned 2..

boleh ada conspiracy!
i bet ure getting this a lot now...
they actually look like twins dah!
how cute is that???
i think they're soo lucky to have each other ;)
i miss them so much. dan dan looks so big already!
cant wait to see them mase raye nanti
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