The battle has begun
It has begun...

Hunting tiny ketam on the beach..
My lil boy has turned 2..

Hunting tiny ketam on the beach..
My lil boy has turned 2..
Perhaps this space should be renamed as such, judging by the intervals of my posts. I do have things to say, funny antics and pictures of the kids to share. Between work, my workplace’s Internet filter *cough Big Brother cough* and the home situation, I have neither the time nor the energy to put down what I want to say and actually upload it..
.. I still don't have enough time to sit down & write an actual post. Would some bulleted updates suffice? Gosh, I hope so..
Some pics from Auntie Sara's wedding a whole month ago. Yes, it's taking me that long to download the pics from K's camera..
Hijacking of the pelamin by their parents in order to take cutesy pics of their kids
70's inspired hair (ahem, actually couldn't get her to sit still to tie it up)
(Warning!! Picture heavy post)
So what does he do now that he's turned 1?
Grab his sister from behind and drags her around the room or to the floor - Adan's smackdown move!
When one of your kids has picked up the gift of gab, understands most of what you’re saying and observes everything, certain situations are bound to happen. Situations where they are blissfully unaware about the cause of our discomfort.
· Alya’s script when asked “Abah pegi mana?” (pelat & all) – “Abah peji Duuubai. Naik aewoplane. Carik duwit. Beli susu Ala, susu Dan-dan. Tinggal Ala, tinggal mummy, tinggal Dan-dan.”
· We had lunch at a restaurant where she spent the whole time wiping everything down like an obsessed germophobe (tabletop, chair back, the top of the chair, my jeans). As we were leaving and strapping her into the stroller, she complained “Akit!”. Asked about the location of her pain, my daughter replied “Akit pepet!”. Waitresses within earshot started giggling furiously, K was stifling his own laughter while I told her not to cakap kuat-kuat. God only knows where she learned that word as me & K have always used another term for it with her..
· Upon meeting her uncle’s future wife (BIL is marrying an English girl), Alya freaked out, started to cry and pointed right in her future Mak Ngah’s face saying “Nanak!! Ala nanak dia tu!”. Maybe cos BIL’s fiancee looks different with her brown hair and green eyes..
· While sending K off at the airport for his 2nd month in Dubai, I had to change Alya’s diaper. We were heading to the nappy changing room when she started to run ahead of me. She turned around and, in the middle of the departure hall, shouted towards me “Mummy! Cepat mummy! Ala yayak!”
Mortification is my constant companion…
K has been in the Middle East for the past week and will be there until end of April, tasked to turn around a project. In the meantime, I am handling the 2 lil chickies, going to work and looking after K's side-business. So far okay, as us 3 beranak have moved into my parents' place. Lotsa help & support around. Hopefully it'll continue to be smooth sailing for the coming weeks. Have no time to properly blog as Adan has become quite a destructive force, including sengaja carik gaduh with Alya. I shall leave you with pics of their usual evening activity and their new ride from a baby warehouse sale. Alya was terrified of the tricycle & only her atok managed to pujuk her to give it a try. After that, it was "Mummy tolak! Mummy tolak! Mummy tolak".. Menyesal pun ada gak hahahaha..
Adan cool & unfazed "I'm just going along for the ride"
The birthday girl insisting on sampling the goods
Why am I in a Hawaiian shirt and holding this noisy thing? I feel like a posterboy for a luau band
The huge mosquito bite was from 2 days before the party..
The birthday girl.. 1 year on