[ petalspeaks ]

19 July 2007

Back to the grind

Work starts again next Monday. My pre-pregnancy clothes are snug and I haven't had time to shop for new ones. I barely even had time to get a haircut last week.. I just plopped into the chair, told the guy with the red streaks in his hair to cut it and make it simple. We still don't have a replacement maid so my mum has to take care of the kiddies while we're at work in the meantime. She's not happy about it but we don't really have a choice since she herself tak sampai hati if the kids are sent to a nursery.

I guess I can add another title to my name - daughter, wife, mother, referee.. (see pic below)

It was supposed to be a nice picture of the 2 kiddies side-by-side.. But at the exact moment I snapped it, Alya attempted to rest her leg on top of her brother (horror of horrors!).. Dan just simply blinked and gurgled away.. He's getting very friendly, striking up conversations full of gurgles with anyone who happens to be near him..

Since K got a new job in the city, we moved.. again.. This is our 3rd move in 2 years of marriage, the first was into our own place after getting married.. After Alya was born, we moved to N.9 as K was helping out with the family business.. I was still working in KL, which translated to extremely high commuting time and costs.. And with Aidan here, we're back to living in the Valley..

The running joke is that we celebrate milestones in our lives by moving house.. It is no laughing matter.. On the very last day of my pantang, we rolled up our sleeves and packed up all our stuff in 24 hours, which filled up 2 5-ton lorries.. It was insanely ridiculous and not something I want to repeat anytime soon.. The next time we move will be into our own house.. Thank God the company Dad works for has a transportation subsidiary and we got a discount rate for the lorries (they threw in the 2nd lorry free!).. At the moment, we're still staying with my parents as we haven't had time to sort and clean the new place, with K working long hours and me wrestling with 2 babies..

I want to clean the house. But I also want to go get some new clothes so that I can stop wearing ratty old t-shirts.. Feel so blergh most of the time, I just want to feel good for once and be a little bit like those "have-it-all mothers".. You know the sort, impeccably turned out with slender bodies etc.. I'm not aiming for perfection here, presentable would be good enough.. With 2 kids under age 2, I don't have time for anything higher.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

issh.,..takut lah...is it really bad 2 kids under 2? when my 2nd is born, my first is only 16 months...heading for trouble?

11:52 PM  
Blogger Nina @ BabyBoon said...

hang in there!! insyaallah things'll get better. i get so jealous when i see those "have-it-all mothers"..!! but the biggest shock for me came recently when a friend said; "heyyy, u really have it all together don't u? great family and a great career and a nice house and great looks..." danggg i tuned out at that part, practically chocked on my drink coz i feel like THE BLOB. grass always seems greener on the other side, maybe..??? or maybe it's a case of great acting on my part. this other mommy blogger likes to say; "if u can't do it, fake it!!" teehheeehee...

eh panjang la plak..

3:07 PM  

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