[ petalspeaks ]

05 November 2007

Before Parenthood – My Version

I couldn’t imagine how my body will go through childbirth and if it’ll go back to normal afterwards.. It didn’t.

I used to worry about the added expense – formula, diapers etc.. (RM45 for one can?!) Now it’s 2 cans of formula weekly and we don’t even bat an eyelid anymore.

I used to sleep at 9pm so that I can function the next day… I’ve discovered that even after going to bed at 11pm, waking up twice in the night and the alarm going off at 5am I can still function (somewhat).

I used to just brush my hair, grab my handbag and roll out the door.. Now I grab the diaper bag, car seat, carrier seat and 2 babies, forgetting my handbag before being able to roll out the door.

Going out didn’t require an hour of prep to pack the diaper bag, change 2 babies, make the milk, strap them into their seats and rounding up the necessary toys.

I had no idea how to handle babies or entertain them.. All I needed was a clean surface for them to golek-golek, a few toys, repertoire of songs and a sense of humour (especially useful when your daughter bonks you on the head for the umpteenth time)

I didn’t know my kids’ giggles and smiles would be the best thing in the world.

I used to have doubts about how competent a mother I’d be, if I could make all the sacrifices.. Turns out they’re not sacrifices after all.


Blogger nuhaafnan said...

i like this post, very beautiful, esp the last part *sniff*

5:25 PM  
Blogger Nina @ BabyBoon said...

yes, agreed *sniffs* along with anne

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.. who would've thunk.. bravo madam ;-)


7:17 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

and that melted my heart..yet again :-)

2:05 PM  
Blogger HSMN said...

hi, hanie here.. who is this eh? i know i should remember since you said ex-neighbour from bkt teratai.. but siapa eh??email me haniesuriya@gmail.com :D

6:39 PM  

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